domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012

Which is your favorite Horror Monster?

In an attempt to expand the scope of horror stories, from the minds of the authors emerged the mosnters, creatures that reflect our greatest fears and simultaneously arouse our fascination. On this space we will share wich are the monsters that caused the greatest impact on us.

This is Daniel Castro again, I´d like to share that definetely my favorite monster is Godzilla, the japanese giant dinosaur. I watched plenty of movies about it when I was a child, and back then I liked it because he was giant and was able to throw fire from his mouth.
Godzilla The Hero

 I also liked the fact that its role wasn´t totally defined, on some films it stars as an enemy and in other ones he is the hero. However it is always a misunderstood being that sometime shows some kind of intelligence.
Godzilla The Villain
Now I see godzilla as a symbol of the fear of men towards what they dont understand.


This is Oliver once again, and my favorite monster is “Freddy Krueger”, the antagonist of A Nightmare on Elm Street film series, I like it because was the most terrifying creature I have ever seen in a horror movie, and is the most awesome monster.

I like the story the creator made off him, and I like the way he looks, it makes kids feel scare when they saw him in movies, and his song, they dream with that song every time they see the movie.

Hello! Here Judith again, now I want to talk about Medusa, my favorite monster.
Medusa is a character from Greek mythology. She has a face of a woman and living poisonous snakes instead of hair. If somebody see her eyes, instantly is made stone.

Usually, in most versions of the story, the hero Perseus is sent by Athena to kill her.
In order to kill her he uses his shield-mirror on her, and he beheaded her after.
Perseo give the head of Medusa to Athena, and since then, Medusas head was the image of Athena’s army for terrifying the enemy.

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